My Goals
When I began the MET program, it had been four years since I had been a classroom teacher, and I felt a bit out of the loop in regard to emerging technologies and how they were being used for teaching and learning. Throughout my coursework, I have strived to achieve the following goals: Immersion, Definition, and Progression.

To immerse myself in a community of educators and professionals and explore current and emerging technology trends in K-12 and post-secondary education contexts. I learn best through social interactions and collaboration, and MET offered plenty of social-constructivist and social-cognitivist learning opportunities with peers and instructors that broadened my perspective.

To define my key values and beliefs about education as I encounter new concepts and learning theories and discover areas of research interest. Though I have also prescribed to social-constructivist, social-cognitivist, and constructionist theories as a teacher and learner, I found value in revisiting behaviourism and cognitivism. I also expanded my perspective by thinking about how learning doesn't have to be formalized to occur.

To strengthen existing skills and competencies and develop new ones such as remote communication and collaboration, and technical, creative and pedagogical skills. I enjoyed discovering and experimenting with new technologies to create learning experiences.

ePortfolio Framework
The following framework consists of four categories which best encapsulate the range of competencies and skills I've focused on improving throughout
the MET program. Each category includes a selection of my best artifacts to represent and demonstrate the development and mastery of these competencies and skills.
Though MET is course-based program, the field of educational technology is wide and intersects with other unfamiliar disciplines and theories. This gave me an opportunity to research and familiarize myself with a number of related topics and concepts. Artifacts in this section are examples of research and analysis, underpinned by ETEC 500 Research Methods.
Collaboration in an online graduate program requires building a level of openness and trust between colleagues who have never met face to face, as well as developing effective communication and project management strategies. Forecasting emerging technologies means examining their uses in other industries for future application in education. Artifacts in this section involved teamwork and forward thinking.
My MET journey has been an exploration of the applications of educational technologies in various contexts, including K-12, postsecondary, and informal learning scenarios. These artifacts had a more immediate application in my recent formal teaching context as a Communications instructor.