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Learning Scenario Description & Analysis

ETEC 512 Applications of Learning Theories to Instruction


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peer feedback, social-constructivist theory, modelling, revision opportunities, writing process


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To complete this learning scenario analysis on an authentic teaching scenario from my Communications courses, I looked to theory and research on peer feedback and its application in postsecondary courses. I was able to gain new perspective and insight by reading David Carless and Naomi Winstone's recent work on new feedback paradigms that connect with the idea of new teaching and learning paradigms in education, mostly in terms of shifting the role of the expert from educators to students and shifting the role from feedback as summative assessment to formative assessment. Thus, shifting from teaching and learning built on behaviourist and cognitivist pedagogies to teaching and learning built on more constructivist and social-constructivist pedagogies.


Peer feedback can have a powerful role in student learning, and it can ease the amount of time instructors spend giving feedback. That's not to say that instructors role as feedback give disappears, but that students learn how to give and receive feedback as formative assessment and use it immediately to improve learning. At times, the only time feedback is given is when there's no opportunity to use it.

Publication Information


Author: Melissa Drake

Date:  2020

Course: ETEC 512 Applications of Learning Theories to Instruction

Professor: Sunah Cho



This final project was an opportunity to take a real world learning and teaching scenario and deconstruct it by using the major learning theories. I chose to explore the role of peer feedback and how it can be better utilized in writing courses.

Course Background

ETEC 512 is all about major learning theories, applying them to instruction, and engaging in discussion and reflection on practice and pedagogy. We read about and discussed teacher-centered theories such as behaviorism and cognitivism and moved toward more learner-centered theories such as constructivism,  social cognitivism, and social-constructivism.

Course Background
Highlights Video
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