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Creation & Ideation

Original Educational Venture: Hive App & Proposal

ETEC 522 Ventures in Learning Technology


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original venture, group work, providing solutions, analyzing markets, pitch deck


Related Reading​


Hive LTI Proposal


This project allowed me to gain competency in my multimedia content creation, such as creating a compelling pitch video, website, and other materials, and improve my design skills.


The most important feedback I received on this project was to be more confident in putting myself forth as an expert and innovator. In retrospect, I would have given my material a voice and introduced myself as a potential ed tech entrepreneur more confidently.

Publication Information


Hive App Venture

Author: Melissa Drake

Date: February 2020

Course: ETEC 522 Ventures in Learning Technology

Professor: David Vogt


Hive LTI Proposal (PDF download in Related Reading section above)

Author: Melissa Drake

Date: April 2020

Course: ETEC 524 Learning Technologies: Selection, Design & Application

Professor: Natasha Boškić



The Hive app is an original learning technologies venture that aims to solve a common problem in online/remote learning situations - collaborative group work. The accompanying LTI (learning technology integration) proposal was written to pitch the app to an institution to enhance student learning outcomes in blended and online environments.

Course Background


The Analyst Bootcamp and our first assignments to research ventures and CEOs in ETEC 522 set the stage for our penultimate assignment: create an original venture or take an existing venture to revamp it. I chose to create an original venture, as I felt strongly about creating a solution for student group work issues. After receiving permission to extend the work I had already done in one course in another, I created the LTI proposal in ETEC 524 as my final assignment to select a learning technology, apply it to a real world educational issue, and propose it as an institutional solution. I was teaching Communications at Niagara College at the time, and I had recently finished a diploma program there. My experiences as a student in MET and at Niagara College as a student and teacher led me to developing this group work solution.

Highlights Video



Course Background
Highlights Video
Publication information
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